Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ode of the Fanpire.
- Lolly.
Look at my boyf.
Isn't he sweet?
At first glance it seems
Like my life is complete.
Wouldn't you think no one else could compete with that.
Look at his butt, check out his chest
He don't stuff with his jocks with socks, I'll attest
Looking right at him, you think...
You beat top that.
But as you know I'm a fangirl.
So I need a little something more.
Then I read about Bella and Edward...
It's not fair...
Why's he with her?
Bella's a whoooooore...
I wanna be...where the vampires are.
So then I can have my crack at Cullen.
But first I have to smell like Bella...
You know.
With stupid human feet, you don't get too far.
Vampiric strength's required for running super fast,
And jumping through the trees like a
What's the word?
I know that I, am a retard
But I am the world's most devoted Twi-hard
I want me some fangs
Wish I could bang
Edward Culleeeenn...
Who would I kill, if I could feel, my Eddy's tight ass
What would I pay, to have my way, with Edward Cull'
Bella's so dull, Bella's so bland
She don't understand my love for her boyfriend.
Stupid human
Need a new plan
To make her dead
I'm ready to go where no fan girl's gone
I've watched NoMoreMarbles, and the Twilight Lexicon.
Why's Bella a wimp, and why does she,
What's the word...?
She's such a schmuck
Don't I deserve, to give Edward Cullen a great big old perv?
Not just to read...
With I could be...
A fanpire...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Twi-hards will die hard: MTV INTERVIEW!
Now...onto the magic.
For anyone who knows, I am obsessed with Twilight. Well...I should correct myself. I'm obsessed with this MOVIE. Yes, I love the books, (even if I do write parody fanfics making fun of some of the characters, hehe,) but OH my GOD! Slap my ass and call me skippy! THEY'VE GOT A - AN INTERVIEW THINGIE OUT!
Two, in fact. The ET one and then the REAL one. I'll link both.
hahahisn'titfunnyhowtherapistlookslike"the rapist"haha
*clears throat*
I shall now leave in dignity.
*leaves in dignity*
*puddle of excited pee glitters in place she just stood*
- Lolls.
AM I THE ONLY ONE FREAKING OUT? Of COURSE I'm not! I'm one of the many TWI HARDS (coined by Michael Welch...?) who DIED HARD when I saw that! It's...MAGIC! It's........*SCREAM*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why are you still reading this, two people that read my blog?! GO FRICKING WATCH IT! And then we can scream and pee together, in perfect harmony... Enjoy it now - the embedding is prolly gonna be disabled soon, okay? HeheheheheEHHEHEHEHeheHehehe!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Big City Chic
I mean, let's face it. I'm no Perfect Size 8. I'm a hearty, beefy Size 18. And you know what? Yes, there are times when I hate it. I wish I wasn't like this, and I wonder if being this...occupying of the limited resource of space may, you know...limit my chances of hooking a poor defenseless thing resembling a male one day.
But then, you know...there are times when I see myself in photos, or in new clothes I get, and I know that I'm a fairly nice-looking girl. Not hot - not "let's honk our horns at that piece of ASS," but...nice. Classy, even. I dress well for me, ya know?
Anyway - I was just surfing the net instead of writing my essay, as I do... (despite the fact that the deadline is rearing its fugly head,) when an email from City Chic popped up in the little MSN window-y thingie. So I casually opened it, completely unsuspecting of what lay ahead, when BAM.
...Well, not really. but sort of BAM-worthy.
City Chic, for those not in "The Know," (aka, 99.98% of ya'll...since like, 2 people read this...haha. *WAVES AT KATE AND AINA*) is a plus size store for young girls that I only recently found, and it's just...a God send. Before, I was walking past Supre stores and Roads and all those stupid little shops where the girls who serve you look at you skeptically and you have to physically go over and stand next to your skinny friend in that "I'm with her" kind of way to even justify your EXISTENCE. I found clothes, but half the time they were too old for me, or they just weren't ME, ya know? I have a style - I know what I like. I like unique, and sparkly, and just...feeling special in what I wear, ya know? And yeah...Target and that have been great, but...they weren't really doing it for me.
And then I found City Chic.
If I dared to speak against it, the clothes there ARE kinda pricey. I mean, I got two dresses from there. One was on sale, and was $15. The other one, exactly the same style, just a different colour, was $90. Yeah. I debated all day over whether to get it, and I did coz I don't have that many dresses, ya know? They were about to start calling me "Jeast" from all of my lack of skirt wearing. I mean, honestly! "In Pants We Thrust" is a motto that was never meant to be applied to me!
But other than that, I love City Chic like a fat kid loves cake. Which, you know, is entirely pertinent to this blog.
Anyway. Back to the BAM.
So yeah, I just opened my email all coolly, giving my hair a little toss for effect, when SUDDENLY....BAM.
"Search for a Plus Size Model."
At first I was like, "....OOOoooOoooooOOoo..."
And THEN, I was like, "Now hold ON, Lolly, hold on... let's just stop and think about this, nice and calm-like...put down the weapon, now - " I joke, my munchtarts. But I read the conditions of entry all the same... (Aussie resident, between Size 14 - 24, submit one headshot and one body shot, etc...) and yeah. Seriously. What is the harm?? I have nothing to lose. And dude, the seven finalists get like, $1000 worth of clothes from this place.
So yeah. I just want to finally do something that says that, yeah, I may not be perfect, but I Don't Hate the Weight. I want to do something that recognises that I'm not the Monobrow Lady From Dodgeball (thanks a lot, James. Your a prick without a dick.) I wanna do something that says, "Yep, this is what I got. And I'm okay with that."
Because seriously... it's just so nice being happy, don't you think? I hate people who don't like their selves. I mean, I empathise, but unconfidence is really sad. I don't wanna be sad no more. I wanna be a happy little Vegemite, as big as big can be! I wanna enjoy my chocolate for breakfast lunch and tea!
So yep. I'm gonna chuck two photos in, after blackmailing me some Hades to come snipsnap them. Like I said, what's the harm? If nothing happens, (which it kind of won't, I'm being realistic,) then that's cool, at least I'll have some smokin' hot pics of a Big City Chic, and her name is LOLLY.
...Well, Lauren. But up shut you will!
If any Aussie babettes are interested... - go for your life. Just don't beat me, or we are so scheduling a smackdown.

Stay sexified, San Diego.
- Lolls.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Aina's Eyes Only!
And yay! Paul and Jacob aren't falling TOO far behind in the poll! YAY FOR THE UNDERDOGS (Jacob quite literally. Woof.)
- Lolls.