Thursday, January 7, 2010

So I haven't been blogging for aaaaaaaaaaaaages....

It's true. I've been AWOL. MIA. Or, you know, basically gone.

Well, it's a new year, and a fresh start. I know that no one reads this anymore, but hey, writing's therapy, right? And if it keeps me outta the nuthouse, I'm willing to give it a go.

So... Important updates of 2009:

1. Lolly got a boyfriend.
2. Lolly has yet to be dumped by said boyfriend. Quite a feat!
3. Lolly became a hooker.
4. By hooker, that is LJ Hooker Real Estate. Not prostitution. Trust me - prostitution pays better.
5. Lolly's YouTube songvids are officially BYE BYE.
6. Sadface.
7. Rhianne moved to Melbourne, and Lolly misses her terribly.
8. Lolly should be banned from using the third person...

Okay. That was an aneurysm and a half.

More importantly, I participated in NaNoWriMo this year! And while I didn't win, I DID finish the 50,000 target. It just took me two months instead of one. So shut the hell up. The word count is currently 57,662, and is rising daily. This story is called Phantasm. If you, my invisible reader, are interested, invisibly comment me and I'll put it up. Hell, I might just put it up for shits and giggles. Because, God knows I love to shit and giggle simultaneously.

Speaking of my writing (and shit), I wrote a BUTTLOAD of poetry this year for uni. So same thing goes: if you wanna check it out, lemme know and I will post. And, once again, in lieu of getting depressed with no one reading my blog, I'll probably put it up despite the silence.

Okay. That'll do. Kayla's helping me plot, and no one should ever keep that girl waiting.


1 comment:

Asana said...


I'm glad that this is a good year for you! I know you have been pretty absent from fanfiction, but I recall that you mentioned that you are writing an original story. Just wondering how that was going.
