Sunday, February 10, 2008

If Ben's doing it, then it's cool.

I'm such a sheep, lol.

Just read Ben's blog and of course, since I have nothing better to do with my life, (such as finish the portrait I'm getting paid $100 for...or clean my room (a strict condition of Haydogs sleeping over,) or, you, instead, I'm making a blog which I'll prolly end up censoring anyway, bahaha. Since I like people reading my crap, and will therefore post the link at every available opportunity, (prolly get a custom liscence plate with it on there, or finish every sentence with it - the way people finish with "In My Pants." Or is that just me?) and will THEREFORE (great word...) not be honest.

But seriously. Whoever bears their god forsaken soul on the internet is a complete douchebag. Someone is GOING TO FIND IT.

So yeah. Thanks a lot Ben, for committing me to another egotistical blogging session. But -- how could I not...? It was either that, or clean my room. Seriously.

Anyone interested in the daily happenings of Lolly?


Fine. Screw you. You're finding out anyway.

I journeyed up to ECU today for "Orientation" -- the beginnings of university, not sexuality -- and used Public Transport (hahah, I typo'd with "pubic transport...prolly should have left it...oh well, no going back now!) for the very first time on my own today. I was supposed to go with Tom, but he got sick...which I found out while on the train, waiting...haha. Just kidding. You're cool Tom. In your own "special" way.

Anyway. (And btw, apologies to Ben if you're reading this - I just inflicted the EXACT same rant upon you, haha...) As I discovered, (screw you, hindsight!) the best route to the campus was Warnbro - Perth by train, then Perth - Mt. Lawley ECU by bus.

Did Lolly do this?

...Take ten guesses, genius.

So there's me getting off (hahahahah, "getting off" but really) at Perth and taking the Midland train which passes Mt. Lawley. I missed the stop, and continued to another M-place, since I'd been expecting the annoyingly calm "NEXT STOP....MT. LAWLEY" voice to come blasting at me from overhead. And the guy I was sitting next to - who I'd told I was going to ECU - was all, "Um...yeah...that was your stop."

AFTER we'd departed.

So I got back on the train to Perth, freaking out since it was 9.30 and I was supposed to be there at 9...and got off the trail, crawled to a quiet corner and started hyperventilating and bawling. And this old lady walked RIGHT PAST ME AND GLARED AT ME! Stupid ancient bitch-monster. I WISH AIDS UPON HER!

Finally, I went to the info centre and was all, very sophisticatedly (and even seductively,) "Can you tell me how to get to ECU...honey-buns?"

Well, I WOULD have said that, but unfortunately all that came out was another breathy yelp before I started crying again.

Seriously. Those darn allergies... to pube-lick transport.

He was a big guy, too. The info guy I mean. He instantly went from hard butch "move it along, mister, I haven't got all daaaay..." to "OMG! TISSUE!" Which, you know, is the power of tears.

So I finally got on the right bus, and got all my stuff sorted out.

The BEST part of the day though, was my uuuuber sexy Uni ID photo. I look like a hot bitch. No one would suspect that Hot Bitch had burst into tears no less than 3 times that day. My eye makeup (impeccably applied that morning,) had remained perfect. So, yeah. Not exactly pissed at that part. Kind of makes up for everything, since I gotta keep it till 2011, haha.

For your viewing pleasure:

Image Hosted by
By MystAngel

So that's my day. And my first blog.

Go check out Ben's, lol. He actually rants about stuff other than his incompetency. Its funny. I just love angry blogs. Good oh!

That's Lolly, signing off now.

Stay classy, San Diego.

- Lolls, going for a NAP.

1 comment:

bmc said...

I deatured pretty prominantly within that blog, I'm pretty proud of myself!! Anyway when I have to get public transport we shall surely take it together cause i have to be there pretty much every day so yay for that!

Oh and for anyone that wants to read my blog...

Peace Out :)